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Series 310 - OBB classic loco in historic blue livery
At the special request of our Austrian users, the WG Reihe 310 is now extended with a historic blue version of the k.-k. oesterreichische Staatsbahnen as version 1.1. kkStB Reihe 310
SBB Ae 4/7 for TS Classic released
The electric locomotives of the series Ae 4/7 were designed for driving passenger and freight trains of the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB). A total of 127 locomotives were built in the period from 1927 to 1934 and served until 1996, the year that the last Ae 4/7 was withdrawn. The TS Classic version of this loco is now available for download on SBB Ae 4/7 DLC
Work in Progress: SBB Ae 4/7
On behalf of, we have been working on an add-on for the SBB Ae 4/7 for several weeks now. This project has now reached its final stages with the start of the test phase. SBB Ae 4/7
NS 2600 on the Grenzlandbahn
Put the NS 2600 to work in three scenarios with domestic passenger traffic, a freight service far into what was then West Germany and a beer wagons special. Available now as DLC on the Downloads section. NS 2600 Scenarios
Made in Holland: NS Diesel-Electric Series 2600
The NS ill-fated series 2600 were designed by Werkspoor in 1954 as diesel-electric locomotives for passenger service on non-electrified route sections. Initially, 27 units of the series were ordered, but due to the rapidly progressing electrification, only six locomotives (2601-2606) have been built. From the start, the engines were plagued by technical problems, so the series were soon relegated to freight services and summarily scrapped in 1958. Although not very successful at the time they are now coming into their own in TS Classic. NS series 2600
Series 310 - classic Austrian express service locomotives
Our Austrian steam locomotives range are now expanded with a release of the famous Series 310, not only in the original version of 1911 as 310.23 and 310.28 but also as OeBB 16.005 and 16.008, as these engines served until 1952. OBB Reihe 310
Five Popular Dutch Steam Engines
Recently, the mid-life update of the Berkendamroute rolling stock has been released. The five steam locomotive series that are part of this update will now be released as freeware DLC for our users who do not own this route (3700, 4600, 5800, 6100 and 6200). NL steam parade
Berkendam Rolling Stock Midlife Update
The HCC! Trainsimulator user group released their Berkendamroute in 2016. With the exception of vegetation, all other assets were developed in-house by Wilbur Graphics. Many years later, our TS Classic competencies have improved significantly, as has the performance of the hardware. This mid-life update therefore makes a big difference to the appearance, operation and driving characteristics of the Berkendam rolling stock. NL steam parade
HSB Diesel Loco for the BWB
The Bauernwaldbahn has been extended with a meter gauge version of the Kof II, in HSB and BWB liveries. While testing the locomotive under winter conditions, it only became clear that the houses and buildings of the ELAP addon had not been provided with snow textures by DTG. These items have now been replaced by scenery objects from the Grenzlandbahn. The results of this upgrade can be found in version 1.2, which is now available online as freeware DLC. HSB 199 012
BR 93.0-4 for TS Classic
During era III (1950-1970) the T14 could still be found in service with the DB and DR as BR 93.0-4, but also with the OeBB as Reihe 693. There was nothing wrong with the characteristics of this type. However, the construction could not be called a complete success because the weight distribution over the axles left much to be desired, for which the tracks of many German routes at the time were not prepared. That doesn't matter in TS Classic, so the three versions we've now built for this sim can be used in any route. DB 93.0-4 ex-T14
NS 2400 - Midlife update for TS Classic in original livery (era 1950-1970)
Now that the planned size of our DLC product range for Era IV is getting close, we can focus on the further expansion of our program for Era III. In addition to the Series NS 200 and 500, the NS 2400 has now been released in its original, 'UIC brown' livery. In the meantime, work is also underway on a TS Classic model of the BR 93.0-4, which made its appearance in 1914 as the Prussian T14 and would only be stricken after some 60 years of ardent service. NS 2400 era III midlife update
Midlife update series NS 2400 and 500 (modernized)
More than ten years ago both the series 2400 and 500 for TS Classic were created in modernized livery, just like the contemporary NS 1700 built with flat textures, making the models look like they were made of colored cardboard, sparsely with coarse specular effects added. These new versions have been thoroughly overhauled and now look much more realistic with a higher level of detail and improved textures. NS 500/2400 midlife update
Midlife Update of our Dutch period 1970-1990 Series 2-300 shunter
After our Dutch electrical locos from the period 1970-1990 (era IV/V) midlife updates of NS diesels will come into view, starting with the Sik (NS 2-300). These renovations will be concluded with updates of the 5-600 and 2400 series. After that, we will focus again on the last years of steam traction in Germany and at the NS. NS 2-300 midlife update
Midlife Update Coaches 1975-95
In the meantime, our passenger stock from roughly the same era (1975-95) has also been overhauled. These coaches have been published now as DLC, along with the freight cars mentioned in our latest post. The releases of the 1700 and 1100 tp4 have therefore been updated once more and are now available under version 2.2. Coaches midlife update
Midlife Update Goods Wagons 1975-95
When test driving the NS 1700 and 1100 (era 4), it emerged that the included freight cars from the early years of Railworks could also benefit from a midlife update. In the meantime, the textures, inscriptions and many details of this equipment have been overhauled and will soon be available as separate DLC. In anticipation of this, these goods wagons have been incorporated into new releases (V2.1) of the 1700 and 1100 tp4 that have now been published. Goods wagons midlife update
Midlife Update NS 1100
As part of our Grenzlandbahn project, the era III version of the 1100 has already been re-rendered and refitted with a new cab. The post 1968 version has also been upgraded now. On top of that she received DVD and ATB (EG) – the Dutch AWS equivalent - simulations. Both the 1100 and 1700 are suitable for operating on the Retro Canvas Route. NS 1100 Midlife Update
Midlife Update NS Series 1700
The NS 1700 is one of my oldest addons. The mesh still dated from MSTS, built with gMax and converted to TS 2013, now ten years ago, with indifferent textures and some coarse gloss effects. The new version has been thoroughly overhauled and looks more realistic with a higher level of detail and improved textures. The engine got a new cab with DVD and ATB(EG) - the Dutch AWS counterpart - on board. NS 1700 Midlife Update
OBB Reihe 93 updated
After the release of the OBB Rh 93 a number of change requests were made by our Austrian friends, resulting in a new version 1.1 and an 8th variant, the Wutachtalbahn WTB BR 93 1360. The latter is shown in full DB steam livery after an overhaul job by AW Meiningen, during which the loco was repainted. The other machines have now got their original front signals. Engine numbers on smokebox doors have also been adjusted. OBB 93 V1.1
Bauernwaldbahn: new version
Due to popular demand, we have brought forward a new release of the Bauernwaldbahn. A version (1.1) is now available in the downloads section with improved details. The route has been made suitable for QD sessions, in which narrow gauge locos can be selected as light engine. Now these are all provided with modest specular effects. We also mention the increased passenger density on the platforms when boarding and alighting, as well as presentation improvements (manuals, icons). OBB G12 family
OeBB G12 family released
The Austrian versions of the G12 family (Series 656 -fictional- and 658) are available as freeware DLC with QD-consists for single locomotives and various freight trains on our Steam DLC Page. OBB G12 family
G12-family fix and fictitious OBB Series 656
When testing a fictitious Austrian version of the BR 56 the injectors no longer worked, possibly due to the latest TS upgrade. That has been fixed by modifying the engine simulation blueprint. New DLCs (build 20230526) of the G8.2/G12 family are available on our steam DLC Page. OBB Rh 656
NS 3700 in post-war livery
Our new version of is now online, with many freeware addons. But not all recent projects are present yet. We are working on that: A much improved NS 3700 has just been published in its post-war livery. This is soon to be followed by the NS 1700, just like the series 2-300 and 5-600 in NS corporate style. NS 3700
Wilbur Graphics website upgraded
In 1998 the first Wilbur Graphics website was launched to create a showcase for the long standing activities of its founder, Henk van Willigenburg, mainly in the field of technical illustrations for the aviation and model railway press. Over the last ten years however the studio has been almost exclusively engaged in building TS Classic objects and routes, which from now on will be reflected in a new version of our website. WG website V6
Scenario Editor Tutorial
Creating TSC scenarios can now be learned from following the step-to-step approach that the WG Scenario Editor offers. This tutorial also explains how to use the QuickDrive menu for setting up QD sessions and building consists, and will also tell you how to operate the Scenario Editor in assign Player Spawn Points to route locations like sidings and platforms. Available in Dutch and English in our downloads section. Scenario editor tutorial